

An In Depth Look At The Life And Murder Of Bernice Prehn – Elder and Guardianship Abuse “A NATIONAL SHAME!”
An in depth look at the life and untimely death “MURDER” of “Bernice Prehn”.
Guest Speaker: Marty Prehn, Son and Designated Personal Repesentative of Bernice Prehn who was starved to death and died on 9-25-2010 at the home of her daughter Marlene Nelson who she was visiting never to return alive to Michigan where she was a life long resident.
* Guardianship Elder Abuse is a terrible exploding and silent crime. It is a crime that occurs under the guise of protection and the color of law and is one of the worst kinds of elder abuse.
* Guardianship abuse occurs when people use a system setup to protect vulnerable citizens to steal their lives and their assets when they are powerless to defend themselves because they have been deprived of all civil, constitutional and human rights in a guardianship.
* This crime is perpetrated against vulnerable citizens because of pure greed and it can happen to anyone because it is done under the guise of protection and under the color of law.

About aheecosh

Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI; is Board Chair/President of the “Michigan Rescue and Restore Coalition” and President/CEO - Board Chairman of three other non-profit organizations, the “United Social Networks – Rescue and Restore Coalition”, “AhEeCOSH” the“Adult Entertainment Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health” and the “Universal Life Church Anti-Slavery Coalition”. Currently, Richard is finishing his Master of Arts Degree in Social Justice at Marygrove College while completing the (IIRP) International Institute of Restorative Practices – Training of Trainers Certification Program. Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI Pastor - Int'l Chairman/Secretary (MIRRC) Board Chair/President (AhEeCOSH) Investigative Reporter Families Against Narcotics (FAN) Chapter Stop Underage Drinking/Drugs (SUDD) Downriver Universal Life Church Anti-Slavery Coalition Southgate MI - Tenth Precinct Delegate Marygrove College - MA Student Social Justice Program - 10th Cohort 734-771-7251 Fax: 734-281-4087
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